Welcome to Dip Club
Where the water is cold and company warm.
A coastal-born cold water social club, Dip Club emerged from the convergence of Katie and Meg, who connected on Instagram through their shared journey toward alcohol-free living and former London lifestyles.
Driven by a quest for holistic wellbeing, they embarked on sea dipping adventures to explore the therapeutic effects of cold water therapy. Captivated by the exhilaration it brought, their weekly endorphin seeking evolved into the birth of Dip Club.
Each dipper has a unique motivation. Our mission is to unite individuals, fostering friendships and a supportive community while reaping the rewards of enhanced health and mental wellbeing through the invigorating practice of cold water dipping.
Our Mission
To build community and authentic connections through cold water therapy.
Every dipper has their own story. Our aim is to forge connections and build a network of support while experiencing the myriad benefits of improved health and mental wellbeing, all against the backdrop of the invigorating blue locations.